I like myself better now because I have learned so many new things about myself.
I sing louder, laugh louder, lead better, smile larger and really feel like I am the
best version of myself.
I have OSPREY Camp to thank for that!
The beautiful sounds of the earth make me feel calm, relaxed and like there’s really more than just cities and lights. It makes me feel like this because these sights are beautiful and fill me with joy. The music of the birds and the scurry of animal life are really what the music of the earth and the sound of nature are. I think it is much better than video games. I love nature!
Environmental education must be a national priority. Hands-on, outdoor interaction with the environment enhances student achievement — not only in science, but also in reading, math and social studies. By investing in education that will grow the next generation of innovators, scientists and environmental stewards, we will prepare our workforce of the future to meet the many economic, environmental and energy-related challenges our country is facing.
Having started my teaching career with the OSPREY Camp program, I didn’t realize what an amazing and unique experience this was for my students until we were forced to go elsewhere for a year. I will never choose another outdoor school!
The week at OSPREY Camp is the most profound experience our students have during their nine years at our school. The students grow in almost magical ways concerning self-confidence, leadership and friendship development skills. The hands-on science throughout the week is the icing on the cake.
OSPREY Camp is a safe, positive and supportive environment where, for my students, poverty and limited English is not a liability. Everybody, no matter their cultural or language background, can participate fully. What we learn at OSPREY Camp literally comes alive, and the language barrier is cut away. Students can see and touch the pelts of native animals and birds of the northwest and observe the plants of the forest ecosystem, as well as the different habitats of the bog, river and lake.
All of my students, no matter their English ability, can join in the chants, skits and songs. It is at OSPREY Camp where I often hear my new ELL students first speak in full sentences. OSPREY Camp is also the place where my students have the opportunity to meet new friends that they will then see again when they go to middle school. This gives my students greater confidence, as they enter middle school, because they now know several other people at the much larger school.
The diverse range of environments is an amazing benefit of being at Camp Solomon Schechter. My favorite spots are the beaver dam, the mystery trees, the bog and the lake.
At the end of the week at OSPREY Camp, I felt a new sense of accomplishment by positively influencing kids. Being at OSPREY Camp reinforced, for me, how much of an impact I can have on people and the life-long lessons that I will take forward. My view of the world has changed.
If not you, who? If not now, then when? You are a winner, win at life, the real life. OSPREY Camp is real life. Where people can be the best versions of themselves and truly make a difference.